13.5 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification from Implementation: 10896


Write the interface (.h file) of a class  GasTank containing:
A data member named  amount of type double.
A data member named  capacity of type double.
A constructor that accepts a parameter of type double.
A function named  addGas that accepts a parameter of type double and returns no value.
A function named  useGas that accepts a parameter of type double and returns no value.
A function named  isEmpty that accepts no parameters and returns a boolean value.
A function named  isFull that accepts no parameters and returns a boolean value.
A function named  getGasLevel that accepts no parameters and returns a double.
A function named  fillUp that accepts no parameters and returns a double.

class GasTank
        double amount;
        double capacity;

        void addGas(double);
        void useGas(double);
        bool isEmpty();
        bool isFull();
        double getGasLevel();
        double fillUp();

13.5 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification from Implementation: 10889


Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the  Averager class of the previous exercise. The full specification of the class is:
An data member named  sum of type integer.
An data member named  count of type integer.
A constructor with no parameters. The constructor initializes the data members  sum and the data member  count to 0.
A function named  getSum that accepts no parameters and returns an integer.  getSum returns the value of  sum .
A function named  add that accepts an integer parameter and returns no value.  add increases the value of  sum by the value of the parameter, and increments the value of  count by one.
A function named  getCount that accepts no parameters and returns an integer.  getCount returns the value of the  count data member, that is, the number of values added to  sum .
A function named  getAverage that accepts no parameters and returns a double.  getAverage returns the average of the values added to  sum . The value returned should be a value of type double (and therefore you must cast the data members to double prior to performing the division).


int Averager::getSum()
    return sum;

void Averager::add(int theNum)

int Averager::getCount()
    return count;

double Averager::getAverage()
    return (double) sum / (double) count;

13.5 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification from Implementation: 10885


Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the  Accumulator class of the previous exercise. The full specification of the class is:
An data member named  sum of type integer.
A constructor that accepts no parameters. The constructor initializes the data member  sum to 0.
A function named  getSum that accepts no parameters and returns an integer.  getSum returns the value of  sum .
A function named  add that accepts an integer parameter and returns no value.  add increases the value of  sum by the value of the parameter.


int Accumulator::getSum()
    return sum;

void Accumulator::add(int theNum)

13.5 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification from Implementation: 10877


Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the  Counter class of the previous exercise. The full specification of the class is:
A data member  counter of type  int .
An data member named  limit of type  int .
A static  int data member named  nCounters which is initialized to  0 .
A constructor that takes two  int arguments and assigns the first one to  counter and the second one to  limit . It also adds one to the static variable  nCounters
A function called  increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value. If the data member  counter is less than  limit ,  increment just adds one to the instance variable  counter .
A function called  decrement that accepts no parameters and returns no value. If  counter is greater than zero,  decrement subtracts one from the  counter .
A function called  getValue that accepts no parameters. It returns the value of the instance variable  counter .
A static function named  getNCounters that accepts no parameters and return an  int .  getNCounters returns the value of the static variable  nCounters .

int Counter::nCounters = 0;

Counter::Counter(int theCounter, int theLimit)
        counter = theCounter;

void Counter::increment()
    if (counter<limit)

void Counter::decrement()
    if (counter>0)

int Counter::getValue()
    return counter;

int Counter::getNCounters()
    return nCounters;

13.5 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification from Implementation: 10854


Write the interface (.h file) of a class  Counter containing:
An instance variable  counter of type  int , initialized to 0.
A function called  increment that adds one to the instance variable  counter . It does not accept parameters or return a value.
A function called  getValue that doesn't accept any parameters. It returns the value of the instance variable  counter .
A default constructor.

class Counter {

int counter;

void increment();
int getValue();

13.5 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification from Implementation: 10853


Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the  ContestResult class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains:
An instance variable  winner of type  string , initialized to the empty string.
An instance variable  secondPlace of type  string , initialized to the empty string.
An instance variable  thirdPlace of type  String , initialized to the empty string.
A function called  setWinner that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable  winner .
A function called  setSecondPlace that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable  secondPlace .
A function called  setThirdPlace that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable  thirdPlace .
A function called  getWinner that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable  winner .
A function called  getSecondPlace that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable  secondPlace .
A function called  getThirdPlace that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable  thirdPlace .

void ContestResult::setWinner (string theWinner)
    winner = theWinner;

void ContestResult::setSecondPlace (string theSecondPlace)
    secondPlace = theSecondPlace;

void ContestResult::setThirdPlace (string theThirdPlace)
    thirdPlace = theThirdPlace;

string ContestResult::getWinner ()
    return winner;

string ContestResult::getSecondPlace()
    return secondPlace;

string ContestResult::getThirdPlace()
    return thirdPlace;

13.3: Defining an Instance of a Class in C++: 11204


Creating objects of the Currency class require a name (string), a currency symbol (string) and the number of decimal places (integer) usually associated with the currency (in that order). Creating objects of the Money class require a Currency object, and the actual amount (integer) (in that order). Define an object of type Currency named canadianDollars and corresponding to the name "Canadian Dollar", the symbol "C$", and 2 decimal places. Define an object of type Money named valueInCanadians corresponding to 230 units of canadianDollars.

Currency canadianDollars ("Canadian Dollar", "C$", 2);
Money valueInCanadians (canadianDollars,230);

13.3: Defining an Instance of a Class in C++: 11200


Objects of the Window class require a width (integer) and a height (integer) be specified (in that order) upon definition. Declare two integers corresponding to a width and a length and read values into them from standard input (in that order). Use these value to define an object of type Window named newWindow.

int width, length;
cin >> width >> length;
Window newWindow (width, length);

13.3: Defining an Instance of a Class in C++: 11198


Objects of the Window class require a width (integer) and a height (integer) be specified (in that order) upon definition. Define an object named window, of type Window, corresponding to a 80 x 20 window.

Window window (80,20);

13.3: Defining an Instance of a Class in C++: 11196


Objects of the BankAccount class require a name (string) and a social security number (string) be specified (in that order)upon creation. Define an object named  account , of type  BankAccount , using the values "John Smith" and "123-45-6789" as the name and social security number respectively.

BankAccount account ("John Smith", "123-45-6789");

CH12: Programming Challenge #15

I only have a partial...anyone have more info send via comment.


12.9: Random-Access Files with C++

I don't have the questions, if you have them send via comment.

12.3: Passing File Stream Objects to Functions in C++ 11319


Write the definition of a function named  openLog . This function can be safely passed two arguments, an  fstream object and a  string object. The function associates the  fstream with a file whose name is formed by concatenating the second argument with the suffix ".log". The  fstream is made ready for output that is appended to the end of the file. If the file did not exist previously, false is returned; otherwise its content is deleted (truncated) and replaced by a single line:
and true is returned.

If you have a solution, please send via comment

12.2: File Output Formatting: 11308


Given three variables, k, m, n, of type int that have already been declared and initialized, write some code that prints each of them left-justified in a 9-position field on the same line. For example, if their values were 27, 987654321, -4321, the output would be:


NOTE: The vertical bar,  | , on the left above represents the left edge of the print area; it is not to be printed out. Also, we show x in the output above to represent spaces-- your output should not actually have x's!

cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
cout << setw(9) << k << setw(9) << m << setw(9) << n;

12.2: File Output Formatting: 11304


Given three variables, a, b, c, of type double that have already been declared and initialized, write a statement that prints each of them on the same line, separated by one space, in such away that scientific (or e-notation or exponential notation) is avoided. Each number should be printed with 5 digits to the right of the decimal point. For example, if their values were 4.014268319, 14309, 0.00937608, the output would be:


NOTE: The vertical bar,  | , on the left above represents the left edge of the print area; it is not to be printed out. Also, we show x in the output above to represent spaces-- your output should not actually have x's!

cout << setprecision(5);
cout << fixed << a << " " << b << " " << c << " ";

12.1: File Operations: 11314


Given an  ifstream object named  input , associate it with a file named  hostdata by opening the file for input.


12.1: File Operations: 11313


Given an  fstream object named  menu , associate it with a file named  todaysmenu.txt for output in a way that truncates (erases) any existing data in the file.


12.1: File Operations: 11312


Given an  fstream object named  todo , associate it with a file named  todolist by opening the file for appending.


12.1: File Operations: 11311


Given an  ofstream object named  output , associate it with a file named  yearsummary.txt for output in a way that truncates (erases) any existing data in the file.


11.6: Focus on Software Engineering: Nested Structures: 10752

11.6: Focus on Software Engineering: Nested Structures: 10752

Assume that  SREC has already been defined. Define a new type,  ROSTER , that is a structure consisting of an  int field,  size , and another field,  grades , that is an  SREC array with 500 elements.

struct ROSTER
    int size;
    SREC grades[500];

11.3: Accessing Structure Members: 11153


Assume you are given a variable, payRate of type Money (a structured type with two int fields, dollars and cents). Write the necessary code to increase the effective value of payRate by $1.50. To do this you need to add 50 to cents and 1 to dollars but you ALSO must make sure that cents does not end up over 99: if it does, you need to "carry a one" to dollars. For example, if payRate were $12.80 then a naive addition of $1.50 yields 13 (dollars) and 130 (cents). This would have to be changed to 14 (dollars) and 30 (cents).

Money payRateIncrease;

payRate.dollars += payRateIncrease.dollars + (payRate.cents + payRateIncrease.cents)/100;
payRate.cents = (payRate.cents + payRateIncrease.cents) % 100;

11.3: Accessing Structure Members: 11002


The "origin" of the cartesian plane in math is the point where x and y are both zero. Given a variable, origin of type Point-- a structured type with two fields, x and y, both of type double, write one or two statements that make this variable's field's values consistent with the mathematical notion of "origin".


11.2: Focus on Software Engineering: Combining Data into Structures: 11055


Declare a structure whose tag name is Server and that contains the following fields: manufacturer, a string, model and serialnum, both also strings, year, an int, clockSpeed, a double, cores, an int, ram, an int and finally storage an int.

struct Server
    string manufacturer, model, serialnum;
    int year;
    double clockSpeed;
    int cores, ram, storage;

11.2: Focus on Software Engineering: Combining Data into Structures: 10976


Declare a structure whose tag name is Book and that contains exactly three fields (or members), each of type int. The first field is nCopies, the second field is nPages and the third field is nAuthors.

struct Book
    int nCopies, nPages, nAuthors;

11.2: Focus on Software Engineering: Combining Data into Structures: 11005


Given the declaration of a structure whose tag is DATE write the declaration of the following variables enrolled_on, paid_on, and completed_on, each of which is of type DATE.

DATE enrolled_on, paid_on, completed_on;

CH10: Programming Challenge #18


10.18: Phone Number List
Write a program that has an array of at least 50 string objects that hold people’s names and phone numbers. The program then reads lines of text from a file named phonebook  into the array.

The program should ask the user to enter a name or partial name to search for in the array. All entries in the array that match the string entered should be displayed-- thus there may be more than one entry displayed.

Prompts And Output Labels. The program prints the message "Enter a name or partial name to search for: " and then after the user enters a some input and hits return, the program skips a line, and prints the heading: "Here are the results of the search:", followed by each matched string in the array on a line by itself.

Input Validation. None.

Solution (Raezorane R.)

using namespace std;

int main()
const int SIZE = 50;
string phoneDirectory[SIZE];
int size=0;
string name; //name to look for

ifstream inFile;
while (!inFile.fail()) {

// Get a name or partial name to search for.
cout << "Enter a name or partial name to search for: ";
getline(cin, name);

cout << "\nHere are the results of the search: " << endl;
int numberEntriesFound = 0;

for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
if (phoneDirectory[k].find(name.data(), 0) < phoneDirectory[k].length())
numberEntriesFound ++;
cout << phoneDirectory[k] << endl;
if (numberEntriesFound == 0)
cout << "\nNo Entries were found for " << name;
return 0;


CH10: Programming Challenge #15


10.15: Character Analysis
Write a program that reads the contents of a file named text.txt and determines the following:
The number of uppercase letters in the file
The number of lowercase letters in the file
The number of digits in the file

Prompts And Output Labels. There are no prompts-- nothing is read from standard in, just from the file text.txt. Each of the numbers calculated is displayed on a separate line on standard output, preceded by the following prompts (respectively): "Uppercase characters: ", "Lowercase characters: ", "Digits: ".

Input Validation. None.

Solution (By Raezorane R.)

// Chapter 10, Programming Challenge 15: Character Analysis
using namespace std;

int main()
char ch; // To hold a character from the file

// Counters for the number of uppercase characters,
// lowercase characters, and digits found in the file.
int uppercase = 0;
int lowercase = 0;
int digits = 0;

// Open the file.
ifstream inputFile;

// Read each character in the file
// and analyze it.
while (inputFile >> ch)
if (isupper(ch))

if (islower(ch))

if (isdigit(ch))

// Close the file.

// Display the results.
cout << "Uppercase characters: " << uppercase << endl;
cout << "Lowercase characters: " << lowercase << endl;
cout << "Digits: " << digits << endl;

return 0;

10.7: More about the C++ string Class: 10864


Assume that  word is a variable of type  string that has been assigned a value. Assume furthermore that this value always contains the letters "dr" followed by at least two other letters. For example: "undramatic", "dreck", "android", "no-drip".

Assume that there is another variable declared,  drWord , also of type  string . Write the statements needed so that the 4-character substring word of the value of  word starting with "dr" is assigned to  drWord . So, if the value of  word were "George slew the dragon" your code would assign the value "drag" to  drWord .

drWord = word.substr(word.find("dr"),4);

10.7: More about the C++ string Class: 10847


Assume that  name is a variable of type  string that has been assigned a value. Write an expression whose value is the first character of the value of  name . So if the value of  name were "Smith" the expression's value would be 'S'.


10.4: Library Functions for Working with C-Strings: 10714


Write a function  max that has two C string parameters and returns the larger of the two.

char* max(char *a, char *b)
    int result = strcmp(a, b);

    if (result > 0)
        return a;
        return b;

10.4: Library Functions for Working with C-Strings: 10713


Given the  char * variables  name1 ,  name2 , and  name3 , write a fragment of code that assigns the largest value to the variable  max (assume all three have already been declared and have been assigned values).

if (strcmp(name2, max)>0)

if (strcmp(name3,max)>0)

10.3: C-Strings: 10900


Assume that scotus is a two-dimensional character array that stores the family names (last names) of the nine justices on the Supreme Court of the United States. Assume no name is longer than twenty characters. Assume that scotus has been initialized in alphabetical order. Write an expression whose value is the last name stored in the array.


10.3: C-Strings: 11122


Declare a char array named  line suitable for storing C-strings as large as 50 characters, and write a statement that reads in the next line of standard input into this array. (Assume no line of input is 50 or more characters.)

char line[50];