Chapter 5 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 005

Given the following code.  Will anything be displayed?

z = 130;
if (x++ > 130)
cout << "z is greater than 130.\n";

a. true
b. false

Chapter 5 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 004

What is the difference between prefix and postfix when dealing with statements that do more than incrementing or decrementing?

a. nothing.
b. prefix will increment/decrement BEFORE the variable is used.
c. postfix will increment/decrement BEFORE the variable is used.
d. both will preform the increment/decrement AFTER the variable is used

Chapter 5 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 003

Given that x is 5 in the snippet below.  What will be displayed by the cout statement?

x = 5;
cout << x++;

a. 6
b. 7
c. 5
d. 4

Chapter 5 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 002

The first example is _____ mode and the second is _____ mode?

i++, ++j

a. prefix, postfix
b. postfix, prefix
c. post inc, pre inc
d. pre inc, post inc

Chapter 5 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 001

How do you use the increment and decrement operators in C++?

a. x++,  x--
b. x = x + 1, x = x -1
c. inc x, dec x
d. both a and b are acceptable
e.  answer a, c.  One is C language and the other is C++

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 047

Can you have two variables with the same name in C++?

a. only if they are in the same scope
b. only if they are in different blocks
c. if one of the variables is in a function
d. heck, I wasn't listening when we went over this. idk

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 046

The switch statement lets the value of a variable or expression determine where the program will branch in an if/else statement

a. true
b. false

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 045

Since it takes three operands, the conditional operator is considered a
ternary operator.

a. true
b. false

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 044

Which of the following is an example of a conditional operator?

x > y ? z=1 : z=0;

if (x>y)

if x>y then z=1 else z=0

? (x>y) : z=1 : z=0;

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 043

The conditional operator works like an if/else statement

a. true
b. false

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 042

What do the ASCII values 65 through 90 represent?

a. the numbers from 65 through 90 as integers.
b. the characters 'a' through 'z'
c. the characters 'A' through 'Z'
d. the characters '0' through '9'
e. none.  ASCII is obsolete and no longer used.

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 041

The highest or of precedence in C++ is

a. ||
b. !
c. &&
d. they are all the same.  Left to right

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 040

Precedence is not important in C++

a. true
b. false

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 039

What does || mean in C++?

a. OR
b. NOT

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 038

What is the value of the following expression?

true && false

a. true
b. false
c. can't tell
d. the expression makes no sense in C++

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 037

In C++, the ______ operator reverses the "truth" of an expression.  It makes a true expression false and a false expression true.

a. &&
b. !
c. ||
d. reverse()
e. none of the above

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 036

_____ operators connect two or more relational expressions into one or reverse the logic of an expression?

a. syntax
b. binary
c. logical
d. combinatory
e. answer b and c

Chapter 4 Quiz Starting Out With C++ 035

What is typically used as a flag in C++

a. a float
b. an integer
c. a bool
d. a register
e. b and c
ab. answer c is typical but answer b is also used by some
ae. none of the above.  C++ does not have access to the AX or BX flags of the CPU